New York, New York “ Chaffin Luhana LLP announced that Partner Roopal Luhana will be a guest speaker at the Mass Torts Judicial Forum with the Honorable Marina Corodemus (Ret.) on June 27, 2011 in Philadelphia, PA.
Ms. Luhana will be speaking about publicity in high profile cases and the ethical limits that apply. Some of the topics to be discussed include no comment policies, the impact of positive relationships with the press, trial publicity, and how to do deal with combating what should be off the record in the growing world of social media outlets. Several other attorneys, as well as the managing director of Courtroom Live, will be speaking on the subject matter as well. In addition to this topic, the forum will present a variety of topics relating to the Mass Torts field, and feature many federal and state court judges, attorneys and speakers from around the country.
Roopal Luhana is a Founding Partner of Chaffin Luhana Law Firm in New York City which focuses exclusively on plaintiff litigation. Currently, Ms. Luhana is heavily involved the In re Yasmin and Yaz (Drospirenone) Marketing, Sales Practices and Products Liability Litigation, as she is one of only two women on the Plaintiff Steering Committee in the Southern District of Illinois. Additionally, Ms. Luhana is also closely involved in the denture cream litigation in both federal and state courts.